We’ve been excited to team up with HCAP Partners over the past few years to create social and economic returns through our mission investments.

HCAP has a targeted approach towards improving job quality standards for its portfolio companies: HCAP Partners’ Gainful Jobs Approach™.

Its 2017 Annual Impact Report details the impact of the approach last year, including an investment that helped Mission Senior Living provide banking assistance that allowed employees to escape payday lenders and start building savings.

This approach is quite innovative, and we’re glad to support it.

Here’s how HCAP introduces the report.

HCAP Partners, a private equity firm providing capital to underserved businesses, has just issued its 2017 Annual Impact Report which details the firm’s efforts to improve job quality standards for portfolio company employees. A majority of these employees are low- to moderate- income wage earners. HCAP Partners believes that high-quality jobs are a key component of the economic wellbeing of a company and has developed an impact framework called the Gainful Jobs Approach™ through which the firm actively works with portfolio companies to assess and improve job quality standards at the companies in which they invest. In 2017, these workplace initiatives facilitated improvements in job quality standards for over 1,800 individuals employed by HCAP Partners’ portfolio companies.

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