
We engage with strategic partners to help advance the work of our grantees who lift up our priority communities: Native Americans, communities of color, immigrants and refugees, and people in rural areas.

Grantseekers: We generally accept proposals by invitation only.

We ask that you not submit inquiries or questions here. Learn about our grantmaking process and subscribe to our newsletter.


We partner with the media to develop news and stories related to the work and mission our of grantees, the priority communities we serve, and the other work of the Foundation. If you’re a member of the media, please contact Patrick Ciernia or fill out the form on this page:

Patrick Cierna
Patrick Ciernia

Program Coordinator
(651) 225-7706

Strategic Partners

We believe that truly lasting change is achieved by building partnerships with passionate funders and other organizations that have resources and opportunities that can support this work, as described in our Strategic Approach. We’re always looking for opportunities to connect, collaborate, and learn from others.

If you’re a funder or represent a similar organization and would like to discuss the ways we might partner, please fill out the form below, or contact Patrick Ciernia, Program Coordinator, at pciernia@nwaf.org, (651) 225-7706.