Mission Investing Measurement
Mission Investing
Lessons Learned
Since 2004, we have pursued mission investments to further grantees’ work to build assets, wealth, and opportunity. A comprehensive case study conducted by Pacific Community Ventures (PCV) measured the social impact of ten years of our mission investments, from 2006 through 2016.
Social Returns
(as of 12/31/15)

Job growth compared
to 5% for
US private sector

Living wages for all
employees of
portfolio companies

Quality jobs with
health and
retirement benefits

Invested in
20 companies

Supported over
1,700 jobs
Financial Returns
(as of 12/31/16)

Custom funds increase the ability to target regions and outcomes, but limit the opportunity to partner with other investors and can be difficult to invest.
Impact objectives should be defined prior to investment and be understood and agreed on by all parties.
Market events, like those resulting from the 2008 recession, significantly impact returns; diversifying across multiple managers and investment strategies reduces risk.
We’ve taken what we learned to heart. The results and insights have led us to increase our commitment to mission investing. We’ve dedicated another $10M to PRIs and $30M to MRIs. We’ve also changed our investment approach:

Instead of developing a custom fund, we’re investing through established managers and funds.

Expand Our
Geographic Focus
We’re expanding our focus to support businesses beyond our region, helping us meet our social impact targets and partner with other funders.

Define Social Impact
Before Investing
We’re establishing targets at the outset to better achieve and evaluate success.