Juel Burnette
As the branch manager of 1st Tribal Lending in Sioux Falls, SD, Juel spends his days helping Native American borrowers access capital to buy homes and therefore build generational assets. 1st Tribal specializes in loans through the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program, a home mortgage specifically designed for American Indian and Alaska Native families, Alaska villages, tribes, or tribally designated housing entities.

Wayne Ducheneaux
Wayne is executive director of the Native Governance Center, a Native-led nonprofit that helps Native nations strengthen their governance and exercise sovereignty. In that role he builds relationships across sectors by leveraging his understanding of Native nations’ strengths, opportunities, and challenges.

Joseph Eltobgi
Based in Belcourt, ND, on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, Joe is the project director for the Turtle Mountain Community College’s Health Education Access through Rural Training (HEART) Project. He’s also a graduate of the Native Nation Rebuilders Program, a leadership cohort aimed at helping leaders in tribal nations serve as change agents. Joe has spent his career leading economic and community development strategies in Indian Country—including as executive director of Pathways to Prosperity, a tribally chartered nonprofit created to implement his tribe’s 10-year poverty-reduction plan, and past grantee through the Foundation’s Tribal Ventures Initiative.

“From mortgage banking to running nonprofits to someone who’s served the vast majority of his career trying to help Native Americans with homeownership—Juel, Joe, and Wayne are all doing important work in the Native communities the Foundation serves. Their perspectives will reinforce the board’s commitment to reduce poverty and to achieve sustainable prosperity in the best ways.”
Dr. Duane Carter
Incoming Board Chair, Northwest Area Foundation

Joyce says, “I deeply admire the impact of the Foundation’s grantmaking and how diversity, equity, and inclusion are weaved into every aspect of its grantmaking and operations. I’m honored and humbled to be elected vice chair and to further contribute to our priority communities’ success, along with my fellow board members, the staff, and grantees.”

“Duane has been a leader on our board for years, including as our most recent investment committee chair. He’ll be an outstanding board chair. Joyce brings to the vice chair role a diverse set of skills in accounting, finance, investment, and organizational leadership.
“They’ll be an influential leadership duo for our board. And this marks the first time in our history that both the chair and vice chair are board members of color, a milestone that aligns powerfully with our mission and our values.”